Total Time:
30 min
Pre-lesson Instructions

Resources needed for the delivery of this lesson are listed in the lesson specification located in A-CR-CCP-803/PG-001, Chapter 4. Specific uses for said resources are identified throughout the instructional guide within the TP for which they are required.

Review the lesson content and become familiar with the material prior to delivering the lesson.

Prepare a handout or slide of the year’s training schedule.

Pre-lesson Assignment



An in-class activity was chosen for TPs 1 and 3 as it is an interactive way to provoke thought and stimulate interest among the cadets.

An interactive lecture was chosen for TP 2 to orient the cadets to and generate interest in Proficiency Level Three complementary training opportunities.




By the end of this lesson the cadet shall have identified Proficiency Level Three training opportunities.


It is important for cadets to know what training will be conducted during Proficiency Level Three to give them an overview of what the training year will entail. This lesson will prepare the cadets for the training year and help generate interest in the topics.

Teaching point 1
Identify Proficiency Level Three Mandatory Training Opportunities
Time: 15 min
Method: In-Class Activity

The training program is broken into Performance Objectives (POs), which are the overall subjects, and Enabling Objectives (EOs), which are the topics within each PO. Training is conducted as mandatory and complementary components.


Mandatory training encompasses the EOs that all squadrons must complete throughout the training year.


The objective of this activity is for the cadets to participate in a gallery walk of information for each PO in order to identify Proficiency Level Three mandatory training opportunities.


Resources will be IAW with each PO as listed below.

Activity Layout

The classroom will be set up with a station for each PO with a basic description of the PO, information, pictures, videos, and other training aids that will illustrate what the cadet will learn in each PO.

PO 301 – Citizenship (Chapter 1)

Citizenship provides the cadets an opportunity to recognize the purpose of community service groups within the community. The cadets will discuss community service groups and their role within the community.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

posters or brochures from local community service groups,

emblems and symbols representing local community service groups,

videos illustrating the work of local community service groups,

testimonials from members of local community service groups,

testimonials from people who benefit from local community service groups, and

pictures from various citizenship activities in which the squadron has participated.

PO 302 – Community Service (Chapter 2)

Community service provides the cadets an opportunity to perform community service. The community service should provide a direct benefit to the community and promote good citizenship.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

pictures from various community service activities in which the squadron has participated, and

video or pictures from Remembrance Day ceremonies or other ceremonial parades.

PO 303 – Leadership (Chapter 3)

Leadership provides the cadets an opportunity to identify the role and responsibilities of a team leader within a leadership team, participate in a mentoring relationship, practice self assessment, communicate as a team leader, supervise cadets, solve problems, and lead cadets through a leadership assignment.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

leadership quotes, and

pictures of cadets from the squadron participating in leadership activities.

PO 304 – Personal Fitness and Healthy Living (Chapter 4)

Personal fitness and healthy living provides the cadets an opportunity to update their personal physical activity plans (from Proficiency Level Two) for the training year. Cadets will participate in the Cadet Fitness Assessment, to include the Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run (PACER) and the muscular component of the test. They will set new short-term and long-term goals for the training year. This PO gives the cadets some of the tools required to make more informed choices in order to follow a healthy lifestyle. This is important as physical fitness is one of the aims of the Cadet Program.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

target heart rate charts,

a CD/tape player with the audio recording of the PACER beeps playing,

a video demonstrating the PACER and muscular portion of the Cadet Fitness Test, and

copies of the Individual Score Sheet.

PO 305 – Recreational Sports (Chapter 5)

Recreational sports provides the cadets the opportunity to participate in organized recreational team sports. This is important as physical fitness is one of the aims of the Cadet Program.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

soccer ball,


floor hockey ball,

hockey sticks,

frisbees, and

pictures of cadets at the squadron participating in recreational sports.

PO 306 – Air Rifle Marksmanship (Chapter 6)

Air rifle marksmanship provides the cadets an opportunity to participate in recreational air rifle marksmanship activities.

A miniature range could be set up at this station, to include:

a mat,

a cadet air rifle,

sample targets,

a scope,

a sling, and

safety goggles/glasses.

PO 307 – General Cadet Knowledge (Chapter 7)

General cadet knowledge provides the cadets with the information required to serve as a member of an air cadet squadron. Cadets will identify the training opportunities available in Proficiency Level Three, recognize the relationship between the Air Cadet League of Canada (ACLC) and the Department of National Defence (DND), and identify year three summer training opportunities.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

an internet computer set to the Air Cadet League Of Canada website, and

information sheets/posters on year three summer training opportunities.

PO 308 – Drill (Chapter 8)

Drill provides the cadets an opportunity to direct a squad prior to a parade. The cadets will prepare a squad for parade and practice calling drill commands.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

a copy of the A-PD-201-000/PT-000, Canadian Forces Manual of Drill And Ceremonial,

pictures of the cadets in the squadron participating in drill, and

a video of cadets participating in drill competitions.

PO 309 – Instructional Techniques (Chapter 9)

Instructional Techniques provides the cadets with an opportunity to instruct a lesson. The cadet will identify methods of instruction, identify instructional aids, plan a lesson, and instruct a 15-minute lesson.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

pictures of instructors conducting a lesson; and

samples from the QSP and IG, and sample lesson plans.

PO 320 – Canadian Forces (CF) Familiarization (Chapter 11)

CF Familiarization provides the cadets with an opportunity to participate in CF Familiarization activities. The cadet will describe the role of Canada’s air force.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

a map showing past and current operations,

a small synopsis of each operation,

a list of roles for each Wing and specific squadrons, and

news articles related to air force activities.

PO 331 – Principles of Flight (Chapter 12)

Principles of Flight provides the cadets an opportunity to explain the principles of flight by identifying aircraft stability.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

a model of an aircraft in flight,

pictures of aircraft illustrating factors affecting stability, and

video of aircraft performing at an air show.

PO 336 – Meteorology (Chapter 13)

Meteorology provides the cadets an opportunity to identify meteorological conditions. The cadet will describe the properties of the atmosphere, explain the formation of clouds, and explain the effects of air pressure, humidity, and temperature on weather.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

a cloud chart,

pictures of various kinds of weather, and

a video of weather.

PO 337 – Navigation (Chapter 14)

Navigation provides the cadets an opportunity to practice air navigation skills. The cadet will measure distances along a route and determine a position on a map.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

examples of air navigation maps, and

navigation equipment.

PO 340 – Aerospace (Chapter 15)

Aerospace provides the cadets an opportunity to participate in aerospace activities by identifying Canadian astronauts and discussing the history of manned space exploration.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

mini biographies of select Canadian astronauts,

a model of manned space vehicle (eg, the Orbiter space shuttle), and

mission profiles of manned missions.

PO 370 – Aircraft Manufacturing and Maintenance (Chapter 17)

Aircraft manufacturing and maintenance provides the cadets an opportunity to recognize aircraft manufacturing and maintenance. The cadet will identify the components of the pitot static system, identify aircraft manufacturers, and describe routine inspection procedures.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

components of a pitot static system,

profiles of aircraft manufacturers, and

a diagram of routine inspections.

PO 390 – Aircrew Survival (Chapter 18)

Aircrew survival provides the cadets an opportunity to navigate a route using a map and compass. The cadet will identify parts of a compass, identify marginal information and conventional signs, determine grid references, determine distances on a map and on the ground, determine bearings on a map and on the ground, and navigate a route using a map and compass.

Examples of information/training aids that could be set up at this station include:

pictures of cadets on a field exercise,

examples of proper footwear,

a topographical map, and

a compass.

Activity Instructions

1.Have the cadets walk around the classroom for approximately 10 minutes, visiting each station.

2.After the gallery walk, answer any questions that the cadets may have, based on the stations that they have seen.



Confirmation of Teaching Point 1

The cadets’ participation in the activity will serve as the confirmation of this TP.

Teaching point 2
Identify Proficiency Level Three Complementary Training Opportunities
Time: 5 min
Method: Interactive Lecture

Complementary training provides cadets and squadron staff with a variety of topics and activities they can choose based on interest and resources. These lessons are used to complement the mandatory training that must be conducted.

PO 301 – Citizenship (Chapter 1)

Complementary training for Citizenship provides the cadets an opportunity to discuss the three branches of the Canadian government, discuss current events, tour a local community service group’s facility, and participate in a presentation from a local community service group.

PO 302 – Community Service (Chapter 2)

Complementary training for Community Service provides the cadets an opportunity to participate in a ceremonial parade and an additional opportunity to perform community service.

PO 303 – Leadership (Chapter 3)

Complementary training for Leadership provides the cadets an opportunity to lead a team-building activity, and deliver a presentation on a leader.

PO 304 – Personal Fitness and Healthy Living (Chapter 4)

Complementary training for Personal Fitness and Healthy Living provides the cadets an opportunity to perform the PACER at the mid-point of the training year, to evaluate their personal activity plan, describe stress, and to create team goals.

PO 305 – Recreational Sports (Chapter 5)

Complementary training for Recreational Sports provides the cadets an opportunity to participate in an organized sports tabloid, participate in an organized intramural sports event, and participate in an orienteering event.

PO 306 – Air Rifle Marksmanship (Chapter 6)

Complementary training for Air Rifle Marksmanship provides the cadets an opportunity to identify civilian marksmanship organizations, correct marksmanship errors, fire the cadet air rifle from the standing position, practice holding, aiming and firing techniques, and participate in a recreational marksmanship activity.

PO 307 – General Cadet Knowledge (Chapter 7)

Complementary training for General Cadet Knowledge provides the cadets an opportunity to participate in presentations given by guest speakers from the Regional Cadet Support Unit, the squadron’s Cadet Liaison Officer, and a member of the Air Cadet League of Canada, and identify the application procedures for the glider and power pilot scholarships.

PO 308 – Drill (Chapter 8)

Complementary training for Drill provides the cadets an opportunity to practice ceremonial drill as a review, practice calling drill commands, and execute flag drill, and drill with arms.

PO 309 – Instructional Techniques (Chapter 9)

Complementary training for Instructional Techniques provides the cadets an opportunity to deliver a one-minute presentation, plan a lesson, instruct a 15-minute lesson, identify drill formations, describe drill instructional techniques, and instruct a 15-minute drill lesson.

PO 311 – Summer Biathlon (Chapter 10)

Summer Biathlon provides the cadets an opportunity to participate in summer biathlon activities including aiming and firing the cadet air rifle following physical activity, and participating in a recreational summer biathlon activity.

PO 320 – CF Familiarization (Chapter 11)

Complementary training for CF Familiarization provides the cadets an opportunity to discuss CF careers in aviation, tour a CF facility, and participate in a presentation given by a guest speaker from a local air force unit.

PO 331 – Principles of Flight (Chapter 12)

Complementary training for Principles of Flight provides the cadets an opportunity to review principles of flight, read pitot static instruments, identify aspects of helicopter aerodynamics, demonstrate attitudes and movements in a flight simulator, and participate in a presentation given by a member of the local aviation community.

PO 336 – Meteorology (Chapter 13)

Complementary training for Meteorology provides the cadets an opportunity to read an aviation routine weather report, tour a meteorological facility, and participate in a presentation given by a flight services specialist.

PO 337 – Navigation (Chapter 14)

Complementary training for Navigation provides the cadets an opportunity to operate a radio for aviation transmissions, operate a global positioning system (GPS) receiver for air navigation, and practice air navigation skills.

PO 340 – Aerospace (Chapter 15)

Complementary training for Aerospace provides the cadets an opportunity to identify online stargazing programs, identify Canadian astronauts, discuss the Canadian space program, discuss unmanned space exploration, describe elements of the night sky, simulate life in space, launch a water rocket, identify GPS components, describe aspects of the International Space Station (ISS), and participate in a presentation given by a member of the astronomy community or aerospace industry.

PO 360 – Aerodrome Operations (Chapter 16)

Complementary training for Aerodrome Operations provides the cadets an opportunity to identify types of aerodromes, explain aspects of aerodrome lighting, construct a model of the airspace at an aerodrome, identify how equipment is used at an aerodrome, identify aspects of emergency response and aerodrome security, and explain aspects of air traffic services.

PO 370 – Aircraft Manufacturing and Maintenance (Chapter 17)

Complementary training for Aircraft Manufacturing and Maintenance provides the cadets an opportunity to identify tasks required to maintain aircraft, describe materials used in aircraft construction, identify basic power tools used in aircraft manufacturing and maintenance, construct an aluminum model biplane, tour an aircraft restoration project, participate in a presentation from the aircraft manufacturing or maintenance industry, and tour a local aircraft manufacturing or maintenance facility.

PO 390 – Aircrew Survival (Chapter 18)

Complementary training for Aircrew Survival provides the cadets an opportunity to identify types of maps, interpret contour lines, determine direction using the sun or determine direction at night, use blazing techniques, act as a member of a ground search and rescue (SAR) party, orient a map by inspection, orient a map using a compass, calculate magnetic declination, identify methods of preparing and cooking a small animal or fish, construct camp crafts, identify elements of the night sky, perform minor first aid in a field setting, participate in a presentation from the SAR community, and construct a solar still.

Confirmation of Teaching Point 2

As part of Citizenship, what are the EOs (topics) that may be taught?


What EOs are encompassed under complementary training for Personal Fitness and Healthy Living?


In Meteorology, what EOs may be taught?

Anticipated Answers

Discuss the three branches of the government, discuss current events, tour a local community service group’s facility, and participate in a presentation from a local community service group.


Perform the PACER at the mid-point of the training year, evaluate their personal activity plan, describe stress, and create team goals.


Read an aviation routine weather report, tour a meteorological facility, and participate in a presentation given by a flight services specialist.

Teaching point 3
Conduct an Activity on Proficiency Level Three Training Opportunities
Time: 5 min
Method: In-Class Activity

The objective of this activity is to familiarize the cadets with Proficiency Level Three training opportunities.


Handouts of POs located at Annex B,

Handouts of PO statements located at Annex C, and


Activity Layout


Activity Instructions

1.Place the labels face up on desks throughout the classroom.

2.Have a cadet stand up and read out their label.

3.Have the cadet who thinks they have the corresponding PO or PO statement stand up.

4.Have the remainder of the cadets confirm if it is correct.

5.Tape corresponding POs and PO statements to a flipchart/whiteboard/wall.

6.Continue until all POs are complete.



Confirmation of Teaching Point 3

The cadets’ participation in the activity will serve as the confirmation of this TP.

End of Lesson Confirmation

The cadets’ participation in the activity in TP 3 will serve as the confirmation of this lesson.



Method of Evaluation


Closing Statement

Being aware of the topics to be covered during Proficiency Level Three training will help generate interest in the training year. Being aware of the opportunities available throughout the training year may help motivate you in your specific areas of interest.

Instructor Notes/Remarks

For Proficiency Level Three complementary training opportunities in TP 2, refer to the squadron’s annual training plan.

This EO should be scheduled as early as possible in the training year. See the sample schedule located at Chapter 2, Annex C.



Director Cadets 2. (2007). CATO 11-04, Cadet Program Outline. Ottawa, ON: Department of National Defence.


Director Cadets 3. (2008). CATO 51-01, Air Cadet Program Outline. Ottawa, ON: Department of National Defence.

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